
mount -t vfat /dev/sdc /cdrom
type 안 해주면 invalid argument error

Attribution: http://armaiti.tistory.com/23

cd-rom 마운팅이 안되서 세번째에서 usb로 ubuntu 설치가 막혔을 때

I had the same problem as you, but solved it by choosing the option "Start terminal" (I'm translating from swedish, so I don't know exactly the name, but the option is placed above the "Abort installation entry" in the Debian installation-program.

From the terminal I did mount /dev/sda to the /cdrom folder:
mount /dev/sda /cdrom

then returned to the debian installation-program by writing:
in the terminal.

Edit: As is it not so obvious, this comment is about the installer not finding the cdrom when installing from USB.

Attribution: http://crunchbanglinux.org/forums/topic/6864/usb-install/


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